Sunday 6 June 2010

Agyiko, macko, kakao/Bed, Teddy, Hot choc

A kovetkezo kepek es vazlatok az egy hetes suli szunet alatt keszultek. Csudajo,napsuteses ido volt, tobb napot a parton logtunk.

The following pictures and draft were created during the half term. The weather was jolly good and sunny, we were hanging around the beach most days.

Piros sapkas lany/Red hat girl

Szinten egy regi firka es a szines valtozata.

Again an old scribble and the coloured version of it.

Jo utat!/Have a good journey!

Ezt a vazlatot kb 2-3 eve csinaltam, most eloastam es gondoltam ujra megrajzolom. Ezuttal szinesen.

I have made this draft about 2-3 years ago, I dug it out and I thought I draw it again. This time in colours.